Friday, June 29, 2012

Morning Chat: DUELLE MUSIC

Morning Chat:
By Lady Scribble

I recently had the privilege of interviewing a wonderful duo that is making big strides in the music world. Duelle, the fiery sister group, is considered an Electro-Pop/Hip-Hop group based in Miami. These amazing sisters are clearly not new to the arts and have been competing in the dance world since they were little. They went on to attend one of the top high schools for the performing arts and later finished college with majors in dance. Back in 2008, the duo began working on the Duelle Project, recording original tracks and building up a unique brand. They are so passionate about music and dance that they decided it was time to bring something fresh to the industry by creatively blending both art forms.

Gabrielle and Danielle are definitely names that we should all keep an eye out for. These ladies are here to make their mark on the industry by bringing in something brand new. Innovators, game changers; these two are bound to open doors for others along the way. Check out our morning chat and be sure to keep up with Duelle and follow their journey!!! You’ll be so glad that you did.

LS: Good morning ladies!! Let’s start simple, where did the name “Duelle” come from?

Duelle: Well we are Gabrielle and Danielle so the “Elle” came from our name and “Due” in Italian means two, so that’s where we got “Duelle”.

LS: How has it been transitioning from dancing to singing? Craziness or pretty smooth?

Duelle: We started dancing when we were three and we started signing at about 10 in musicals and stuff. After we finished college we decided to get serious about bringing something fresh to the industry and we hit the studio. But we would die if we couldn’t dance. It’s crazy because in the dance world, your name can only be so big. Like only people who dance would know you. We really wanted to reach a bigger audience. It’s definitely been a struggle trying to fuse the two together

LS: Wow, that’s really amazing!

Duelle: I mean, you don’t hear about a ballerina becoming a singer but we want to inspire people to do it all.

LS: So how exactly would you describe your music?

Duelle: It’s a real futuristic sound that we’re been developing over the years. I guess you would call it Electro-Pop. But to us it’s like Electro-Pop with a Hip-Hop Swag!! We want to change the game. We think it’s funny that we automatically get labeled as “Pop” because we’re white but we rap!! We want to change the way people look at rap artists.

LS: Ha, I like that. Electro with swag, dope.

LS: So what artists influence you guys the most?

Duelle: BRITTANY SPEARS!! And of course GaGa, Nicki Minaj. We really love seeing strong women that aren’t afraid to be different.

LS: What artists are you guys looking to collaborate with in the future? Top 5 artists.

Duelle: Chris Brown (performance wise), Brittany Spears because we would feel like she’s passing the torch to us like Madonna did with her, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent and Nicki Minaj…

LS: Well you guys know I have to ask this, what’s going on with you love life?? You guys dating anyone??

Duelle: Ha ha ha, we’re actually anti-love right now. Like we say we have metal hearts and it totally fits in with the whole robotic theme that we have. Robots with metal hearts. We’ve both had our share of bad relationships so now we’re married to Duelle.

LS: Oh yeah, I can totally relate to that. I love that whole metal hearts thing.

LS: Last question because I don’t want to keep you, what is the legacy that you want leave with Duelle?

Duelle: We want to perform and be known worldwide. We want to continue to build our brand and inspire people with all different forms of art. Through Duelle we hope to show that you can do any and everything if you keep pushing yourself. We just want little girls to look up to us and feel like they can make it because we did. That’s what inspires us to keep pushing.

Check out the video above to see Part 1 of the Duelle Project, the documentary.

Be sure to check out Duelle at
Keep up with them on Twitter
Check out their YouTube page

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